A National Strategic Innovation Program - National Action for Metallic Materials
A strategic research and innovation agenda
For the first time the entire Swedish metals producing industry has united with a joint future initiative – a strategic agenda for development and renewal within the area of metallic materials. The agenda identifies a number of actions to achieve renewal, increased competitiveness and sustainable growth.
Long-term focus on sustainable growth
An extensive, long-term national investment is made in research and innovation to develop sustainable solutions to global societal challenges and to strengthen Swedish competitiveness. Metallic materials, mining and metals extraction, production, lightweight materials and industrial process IT and automation are the first programs selected as strategic innovation areas.
Strategic Innovation Areas (SIO)
Strategic innovation areas are part of the governmental research and innovation policy. The strategic research and innovation agenda for metallic materials is one of five areas which VINNOVA has decided to fund with an SIO-program. This means that the Swedish innovation agency thinks, as we do, that steels and metals form an important innovation area with strong development potential to play a significant role in Sweden in the future.
The five selected programs are together to receive a total funding of up to 200 million SEK per year from VINNOVA and the Swedish Energy Agency. Industry will contribute at least a corresponding amount, making the total around half a billion SEK per year. Further programs will be launched in the coming years, including initiatives in which Formas will be a co-financer.
Metallic materials
The aim of the program for metallic materials is that the Swedish metal industry will by 2025 have created a unique creative environment for translating new advanced metallic materials into sustainable solutions for society, also the best conditions in the world for translating requirements for new and improved functions into new materials. The program is coordinated by Jernkontoret, the Swedish Steel Producers' Association.
Read and download the agenda National action for metallic materials