Agenda Step 1. Develop market offerings
What is important for the customer changes quickly. The world is constantly placing new
demands on functionality, sustainability and resource efficiency. Anyone who can best
adapt their market offerings, thereby creating new customer value, has the best position
to succeed and grow. Today, the Swedish metal industry has extensive experience of
selling and creating customer value worldwide. A trend that is already evident and opens
new opportunities for added customer value is the rising demand for sustainability, based
on concern for our environment and our future. The demands for sustainable solutions
are increasing rapidly. In order to address this, there is a need for better models that allow
evaluation and demonstration of how sustainability is achieved. Another trend is that
customers want fewer suppliers, each of which can undertake major commitments. To deliver these added values and translate them into revenue may require changes to business
models and new approaches supported with new knowledge. By using novel decision support
technologies, based on systematic, scientific analysis of key areas and phenomena,
trends, thoughts, ideas and demands from all over the world can be captured better than
they are today. In this way, new customer values can be identified and quickly transformed
into new market offerings, for which market and economic risks can be calculated.
The goal is that the Swedish metal industry should have world-leading ability to identify
new customer value and meet this with sustainable offerings that increase revenue and
push development forwards, even for other materials manufacturers.