The finnish equivalent to the strategic innovation program Metallic Materials: FIMECC

Finnish Metals and Engineering Competence Cluster

On-going research programs


There is a strong indication that companies are entering a new wave of industrial development labeled as the Internet of Things (IoT) or Industrial Internet. Based on the data enabled increased intelligence firms are now capable and ready to offer different types of services and solutions to increase customer value.

S-STEP - Smart technologies for lifecycle performance

While the ICT for heavy industry has been a trend already for decades, the future business models will require a revolution also in this area. This revolution is currently known as the emerging industrial internet. The S-STEP programme of FIMECC is positioned in the cross roads of these two significant megatrends: 1) the growing importance of industrial service business, and 2) the remarkable emergence of industrial internet or cyber-physical systems.


Industrial internet is already here. MemsCat ecosystem members offer you technology that makes your products or services part of the internet. Objectives of MemsCat project are to establish co-operation and R&D functions between MemsCat and FIMECC shareholders and participants of different FIMECC programs and other Finnish industry and thereby form competitive network of companies.

HYBRIDS - Hybrid materials

The know-how of how to apply advanced materials effectively in the right applications is the key success factor to guarantee high performance, cost-efficiency, safety and long service life for products. Also, many industrial applications in various fields require property combinations that cannot be achieved by conventional materials. The Hybrid Materials (HYBRIDS) programme addresses these issues with the aim of creating a unique multidisciplinary technology platform and a world-class competence network that provides Finnish industry a key advantage to apply advanced materials effectively in their future applications.

BSA - Breakthrough steels and applications

Being based on easily extracted iron, steel provides both environmentally and economically the best material solutions for a plethora of applications. Steel is and will continue to be one of the main building blocks of sustainable society. The overall goal of the Breakthrough Steels and Applications (BSA) programme is to enable a renewal of the Finnish metal and engineering industries through major improvements in their offerings and global competitiveness brought about by the intelligent use of novel advanced steel products. Key emphasis is on end-users in selected business areas: bionergy, power generation, mining, lifting, handling and transport, offshore and marine, waste recycling, arctic technologies and processing industry.

SIMP - System integrated metals processing

Digitalisation of processes, process chains, systems and especially linking them in a mathematically and process control systemic and coherent basis is arguably a key component in realizing sustainability through resource efficiency. In “System Integrated Metals Processing – SIMP” a global unique grouping of leading Finnish companies exporting sought after quality metal and technology products, have come together to address sustainability in quantified manner. The objective of the project is to further improve the already low environmental footprint and to further increase its global competitiveness by integrating Digitalisation and Sustainability in a system integrated manner.


The REBUS program aims at making scientific breakthroughs in the area of networks and business ecosystems. The program challenges the participating firms to take major leaps in developing these practices as well as fundamentally change their underlying mindsets of managerial behaviour. The industrial sectors within the REBUS program are in particular within transportation and energy systems. These two sectors are globally the most investment-intense areas in the coming years and are at the core of the interest of Finnish present and future industry.

UXUS - User Experience and Usability in Complex Systems

FIMECC Research Programme User Experience & Usability in complex Systems (UXUS) supports future knowledge creation and creates new interaction concepts and innovative practices in developing the user and customer experience excellence. The overall target of the programme is to increase the competitiveness of Finnish metals and engineering industry (MEI) by radically renewing practices. The practices are renewed by developing and implementing new design and collaboration methods that produce personalized user/customer experiences – and challenge the present ‘mindset’. The new R&D practises will broaden the design focus from mere products to personalised user/customer experiences in complex systems.

MANU - Future digital manufacturing technologies and systems

MANU is new FIMECC-program which focus area is manufacturing technology and creating competence in the field of digitalization and its use in manufacturing. The content of the MANU is divided in six projects:

  • Demanding welded structures and their simulation
  • Machining of high strength materials and its control through digitalization
  • Change and information management in global manufacturing network
  • Manufacturing Execution System for SMEs
  • Accelerating and developing operations in supply network by means of digitalization
  • Next generation manufacturing

FutIS - Future Industrial Services

FutIS – Future Industrial services – research program promotes the adoption and expansion of service business in technology-based industrial firms. The program is funded by Tekes, companies and research institutes. FutIS program investigates the future of industrial services in metal and engineering industry in three major topics: service business mindset, integrated service development, and efficient service operations.

More information on FIMECC's website